For the purpose of communicating as soon as reasonably possible to our residents, these are the draft minutes taken from the meeting for your information. These have not been passed to the Council for approval and therefore amendments may be made before submitting to the council for approval at our next meeting.


Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Wednesday 11th September 2024

Present: Councillors Mr A Sloan (Chair), Mr P Blackman (Vice Chair), Mrs P Ransome, Mr J Priddin, Mr D Walker, Mrs G Nethercott, Mr A Ibbotson, Mr D Williams, Mr R Wakelam and Mr P Kelly.  Youth Rep – Miss N Boleyn.

By Video:            Councillor M Rothero

Also Present:    Mrs Sarah A Hughes, Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer and 2x Members of the Public


72.          To receive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office – Mr Peter Kelly

RESOLVED: Cllr Kelly signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office which was witnessed by the Clerk.

73.          Apologies

RESOLVED: Apologies for absence were received and approved from Cllrs O Thompson and L Overington.

74.          To receive any Declarations of Interest – Members Code of Conduct

Cllrs Nethercott, Blackman and Rothero declared an interest and submitted the Registration Form, in relation to agenda item 17 (min 88) Ysgol Penyffordd Parking.

75.          To receive and approve the Ordinary Minutes of the 17th July 2024.

RESOLVED: these were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

76.          To review and report on any Matters Arising from previous meetings

Min 47  - the recent Community Engagement Drop in Events have been well received by residents and the following further dates were approved to be held at the WMI : Wednesday 2nd October 7- 9 pm, Saturday 2nd November 11am - 2 pm and Wednesday 4th December 7- 9 pm.

Members will prepare a report of comments received and will present at the October Meeting.

**6.35pm Cllr Williams arrived

Min 66 - Cllr Ransome provided a written report on the Climate Change Meeting she attended.  She also added that it was an excellent meeting bringing together key stakeholders in shared discussion around the issues of flooding in Flintshire.  

Min 67 – Cllr Williams expressed disagreement with the council’s decision to advocate no change.

Min 69 - An online form is now live on the council website and has been promoted on facebook and noticeboards.

Min 71 – Cllr Williams reported that the council until recent years, did finance additional grass cutting within the village and currently does have a budget.
RESOLVED: this will be included on the October agenda for further discussion.

77.          To receive any Public Questions/Correspondence

i.            The resident provided members with a report on the issues and concerns of school transport for residents living to the top of Penymynydd and that she had launched a petition.  She has also been seeking support from Cty Cllr Ibbotson and Cllr Williams and was requesting the full support from council.

She reported that there are a number of other communities (e.g Bagillt, Deeside, Northop) experiencing the same issues.

Members had a lengthy discussion on options on how to support and progress this further.

RESOLVED:  the council do fully support the petition and will commit to supporting the resident and looking at options.

The resident will continue to work with Cllrs Ibbotson and Williams on preparing a strategy.  Cllr Ibbotson will also look at obtaining costs involved if the council were to finance additional transport.  No delegated powers were given and all information will be reported at the October meeting before any actions, letters etc are issued.

**1x MOP left the meeting

ii.            The resident requested an update on progress of the old school site and reported that the boundary is becoming overgrown with brambles which require cutting back.

The Chair advised that Cllrs Ransome and Williams are due to be co-ordinating a meeting with FCC imminently and once any updates are received they will be shared with the community.

78.          Summer Recess Delegated Powers

The Chairman, Vice Chairman and Clerk reported on any urgent matters dealt with during the summer recess.

  • Email sent to FCC to express objection to 3 weekly bin collection

    o   Neal Cockerton came back to query and request information on when the council considered this.

  • Replacement defib pads were ordered for the defib located at the WMI.


i.          FUL/000542/24. Proposed side and rear extension to provide an additional bedroom with en-suite and additional dining room to the rear and the existing front door to be moved to the side of the property.   32, Chester Road, Penyffordd.  Supported, the council agree for a delegated decision to made by the Planning Officer.

ii.          COU/00549/24.  Change of use of Woodhouse Cottage from a holiday rental cottage to a separate residential dwelling.  Woodhouse Cottage , Chester Road, Dobshill.  Supported, the council agree for a delegated decision to made by the Planning Officer.

Millstone Pump Track

As planning has been approved, we liaised with the contractor re start date.  Due to the time difference between original quote and commencement of work, there was a slight increase on material totalling £1080+vat. Total job now £27528+vat.   This was approved to prevent any further unnecessary delay.

This price includes supply of 200 tonne of clay to form the track, however, if this could be found more locally this would reduce the price considerably.

Changing Rooms

Approval given to purchase required mould resistant paint for internal paint work (est total £600) to do all cabins.

Report that areas of repairs to the flooring will be required due to rot.  Again approval was given.

Christmas Lighting

Argoed Community Council were looking to sell 5x brand new Christmas bracket lights as they were purchased last year and are too large for their columns (2m).  Through Mega Electrical an offer was made to Argoed CC and was agreed at £1100 for all 5x lights.

Flint Town Council Christmas lights – they are having a full new display this year and have 9x used lights.  Mega advised that these are larger than any of ours and the brackets are in excellent condition.  The lights are working, but if in the future they need replacing, Mega can do this for a couple of hundred pounds.  Mega advised that these should go in Dobshill as the columns are larger, less lights in this area (due to limited columns being available) and will have a bigger impact.  We currently have 7 lights in Dobshill.  An offer of £200 has been made for all 9x lights which was agreed.

RESOLVED: all the above matters were received and ratified.

79.          Christmas Lighting and CCTV Contractors

Following the recommendation of the Internal Audit the clerk reported that she has been reviewing contractors for the ongoing provision and maintenance of the CCTV cameras and for the provision and maintenance of the Christmas festive lighting.

Christmas lights – the clerk has been communicating with the current provider, fellow clerks and the FCC Streetlighting Operational Manager to discuss what is required.  It had been assumed that the community council could use the FCC agreed Framework to appoint a Mega Electrical as the contractor, however, it was unclear whether this would be applicable to T&CC and whether this would satisfy the auditor.  The Tender document has been drafted and awaiting further information from the FCC Streetlighting Operational Manager before sending out.

Due to obtaining additional lights at a very discounted price, the council considered how many further lights could be purchased and installed within budget?  Also asked whether additional lighting could be installed on Penymynydd Road?

CCTV – the Clerk is in the process of preparing information to submit to local contractors for quotes.  Due to the age of the cameras, it may be difficult to secure an alternative contractors to take them over.

RESOLVED: tenders will be submitted for both Christmas lighting and cctv as soon as possible.

Costs will be obtained for additional lighting and the contactor asked to review the columns on Penymynydd Road which will be reported at the October meeting.

80.          Bank Balances and Accounts for Payment

a)    To report and ratify payments made during the summer recess:

Accounts for Payment

Payee                                                            Details                                                                                          Amount

H&R Roberts & Sons                               Materials for groundsman                                                            £10.02

Canopy Tree Care                                   Tree works at West View Nature Area                                         £240.00

Saer Architects                                        Pump Track Design Drawings - Planning                                    £300.00

A Trevor & Son                                        Showers - Changing Rooms                                                          £7,860.00

WoodsWork CIC                                      Nature Area Management                                                            £380.00

Mr C Jones                                               Mileage and Expenses                                                                   £30.14

Mrs S Hughes                                          Mileage and Expenses                                                                   £26.08

Staffing Cost                                            Jul-24                                                                                                £4,621.05

HSBC                                                        Monthly Charge                                                                              £10.00

The staff costs reported in July 2024 were reduced by £253.75 due to a HMRC credit.

b)    To report balances of all bank accounts and to review and authorise monthly accounts for payment.

Bank Balances     Current £ 6817.18               Deposit £ 206854.15                                             Play Area £ 7257.58

Bank Transfers

07/08/2024            Deposit Acc                           to Current Acc                                                        £10,000.00

Payments Received

30/08/2024            FCC                                              Precept                                                             £41,154.33
03/09/2024            Hope Community Council   Defib Pads                                                       £45.00
04/09/2024            HSBC                                           Interest                                                           £863.65

Accounts for Payment

Payee                                                       Details                                                                                              Amount

Mrs S Hughes                                         Defib Store - Replacement defib pads                                      £108.00

Argoed Community Council                 5x Christmas Light Displays                                                       £1,100.00

Information Commissioners Office   Data Protection Fee Renewal (paid by Mrs S Hughes)            £40.00

H&R Roberts & Sons                             Materials for groundsman - planters/changing rooms          £127.04

Next Day Paint                                       Paint for changing tooms (paid by Mrs S Hughes)                 £494.06

Mr C Jones                                              Mileage and Expenses                                                                £79.74

Mrs S Hughes                                        Mileage and Expenses                                                                 £26.84

Staffing Cost                                          Aug-24                                                                                            £4,710.10

WoodsWork CIC                                    Nature Area Management                                                           £380.00

Flint Town Council                                9x Christmas Lights                                                                       £200.00

H&R Roberts & Sons                            Materials for groundsman - changing rooms                            £96.02

HSBC                                                      Monthly Charge                                                                              £10.00


a)    The above payments be received and ratified.

b)    The above accounts be approved and will be processed for payment. The payment schedule was signed by the Chairman/or Vice Chairman and countersigned by two bank signatories.

81.          Annual Grant Applications

It was acknowledged that this appears to be a more comprehensive form and members will provide assistance to applicants where needed.  It is not intended to discourage applications, but to assist the council in making informed decisions when allocating grants.

RESOLVED: the new Annual Grant Application for 2024/25 will be launched as soon as possible.  It will be advertised on the noticeboards, facebook and website. The closing date for all applications will be Monday 4th November 2024 @ 12 noon.

Cllr Sloan will prepare a video for social media to accompany the launch of the new grant form and support will be available at the October and November Community Engagement Drop In Events for any group or organisation needing assistance with the new form.

82.          Planning Applications

a)    To consider planning applications received from Flintshire County Council.  The Council also considered any additional applications that may have be received between the issue of agenda and the meeting:


i.     FUL/000645/24.  Removal of existing garage and side extension to be replaced with proposed single-storey side extension with conversion of loft space and rear dormer.  21, Well House Drive, Penymynydd. The council supports an Officer delegated decision

b)    Notifications of Planning Decisions made by Flintshire County Council:

i.      FUL/000370/24.  Installation of Pump track, a Temporary Vehicle Access and New Pedestrian gate.  Play Area, Hawarden Road, Penyffordd.  Approved

ii.     FUL/000520/24.  Proposed construction of garage with Attic storage space at The Oaklands.  The Oaklands, Rhos Road, Penyffordd.  Approved

iii.     FUL/000542/24. Proposed side and rear extension to provide an additional bedroom with en-suite and additional dining room to the rear and the existing front door to be moved to the side of the property.   32, Chester Road, Penyffordd.  Approved

c)    Notification that the appeal made to the Planning & Enforcement Decisions Wales (PEDW) in respect of COU/000175/23. Conversion of agricultural building into two residential buildings. The Oaks, Platt Lane, Penyffordd was Dismissed.

83.          Play Areas

a)    Dobshill Play Area – three contractors were approached and two quotes were received and considered.  It was noted that additional costs will be incurred for vehicle access to the play area.

b)    Millstone Play Area –

i.     The planning application has been approved.  Cllr Williams has liaised with an Officer of FCC regarding conditions within the planning approval who has advised that no further approval needed on condition the council liaise with Ian Williams re highway matters.

As stated in the Delegated Powers report there has been a slight increase to the quote due to the time difference of quote and commencement (£1080+vat).  Work will be commencing as soon as possible.

ii.     With the installation of the pump track, members considered fencing of the commemorative jubilee oak tree and slate plaque to protect these from damage and to add protection for the users of the pump track.

c)    To receive an update on Managed Play Area, as appropriate. – Nothing was reported.


a)         The council approved the quote of £15726+vat and appointed Jones Brothers Leeswood Ltd.  The councils approved budget for the project is £20,000 so the additional access costs were approved on the condition they remain within budget.

b)         i) Gratitude was expressed to the FCC Highways Officers for their support and efficiency on this matter.  Cllrs Williams was appointed Project Leader with support from Cllr Wakelam.  They will meet with the contractor ahead of works commencing and will also speak to them regarding site/traffic management.


84.          Community Facilities

a)    Changing Rooms

i.     The groundsman has been looking at various options for an additional toilet facility and a site meeting was held last week so Mr Jones could talk members through an alternative option which involves internal alterations.

Cllr Williams did not support the alternative option and due to limited time asked members to defer this until he can prepare and present additional information for an informed decision to be made.

The Clerk also reported that the Football Club have secured funds for them to purchase the storage shed, however, they are unhappy with the location approved by council and the school and they will be looking to submit an amendment to the proposal for an alternative location to be considered.

ii.     Cllr Williams will co-ordinate a meeting of the Management Committee to finalise the Leasing and Lettings Policy to determine usage fees.

iii.     At present the Groundsman is ensuring the cabins are routinely cleaned, however, this is not sustainable and members consider options for the ongoing cleaning and maintenance of the facility.

**8.45 Cllr Rothero left the meeting

b)    West View Nature Area – the Clerk provided a report on a meeting held on 25th July with the Clerk and Mike Robinson, National Forest for Wales Liaison Officer: North East regarding applying for West View Nature Area to be included in the National Forest for Wales.

a)    _

i.     The item will be deferred and Cllr Williams will prepare and submit additional information for the October council meeting

ii.     Cllr Williams will co-ordinate a meeting of the Management Committee.  The clerk will provide estimated annual costs of utility charges.

iii.     The council will consider using a self employed cleaner.

b)    On condition that the staffing hours entailed for the application process is not excessive, the council approved the Clerk to make the application.

85.          Have your say on the Council’s Council Plan (2023-2028)

Member reviewed and considered the Flintshire Council Plan (2023-2028) and survey.

RESOLVED: the council will not be submitting a response.  Members will respond as individuals.

86.          Defibrillators

Members considered the request from Mrs Thompson for the community council to take responsibility for the defibrillator located at the War Memorial Institute.

RESOLVED: the council approved to take on responsibility of this defibrillator and will include on ‘The Circuit’ and list for routine inspections.

87.          Training


a)    The 2023-24 Training Record was approved for publication.

b)    There were no amendments required to the current Training Policy.  It will the responsibility of members to complete the self-assessment and inform the clerk of any training needs.

88.          Ysgol Penyffordd Parking

Mr Andy Roberts has acknowledged the council’s letter regarding parking at Ysgol Penyffordd and advised the a full response would be provided ahead of the meeting, however this has not yet been received.

The council are aware that the school are continuing to work on making improvements.

RESOLVED: Cllr Williams will provide Cllrs Nethercott, Rothero and Blackman information on previous suggested improvements that they could present to School Governors.

89.          To acknowledge and note correspondence received.

  • OVW & Planning Aid Wales Training & Events

  • Woodswork CIC Monthly report – which included information about a possible grant that council could apply for and the possibility of creating a Forest School.

o   RESOLVED: information on the grant will initially be shared with all members for consideration.  The council are supportive of creating a Forest School.

  • VE Day 80

o   RESOLVED: this will be included on the October agenda for further consideration ahead if budget setting for 2025/26.

  • OVW Community of Practice

  • Local Government 2024/25 Pay Award Update

  • OPCC North Wales Newsletter #48, #49, #50, #51, a Special Edition and #52

  • Cadwyn Clwyd - Rural Digital Connectivity

  • The Democracy and Boundary Commission Cymru has published its Guide to the 2026 Review of Senedd constituencies

  • NW Police – Cadet Leader Recruitment

  • Bionet Awards 2024

  • Health board Roadshow - Local Health Conversations - 10th September 2024 – Mold

  • FCC - New Consultation and Engagement Hub

90.          Members Items/Future Agenda Items

  • Cllr Priddin raised concern again of the speed issues at the station roundabout for pedestrians accessing the Penyffordd Train Station.  Cllr Wakelam advised he is due to be having a meeting with FCC Officers – Lee Shone and Katie Wilby and Cllr Ibbotson advised that any improvements require funding which FCC do not have.  This would need to be provided by central government. Cllr Williams advised that originally there had been a condition of highway improvement funding within the Rhos Road development which Cllrs Wakelam and Ibbotson will investigate further.

  • Cllr Ransome reported that a resident had suggested at the Community Engagement event about holding a Community Day to assist the WMI in clearing and tidying the area.  The council supported this initiative and members would attend and assist, however, this event would need to be co-ordinated by the WMI.

  • Cllr Kelly offered to provide an upgraded website for the council.  The Clerk will provide him with a proforma to present a proposal to full council.

  • Cllrs Williams and Ibbotson attended the Transport for Wales Engagement event and advised the deadline for survey closes on 15th September.

The meeting commenced at 6.30pm and closed at 9.15pm